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tv   Studio B With Shepard Smith  FOX News  July 13, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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sued for million claims the concert in oregon left a mother with hearing damage, the screaming fans. in a frenzy after attending the concert. i can tell you, after attending with my niece, i feel, a guy saw me put the ear plugs in and looked at me like "that's me." have a great weekend, everyone, here is phrase. >>trace: the news begins anew. this is "studio b." the syrian regime has moved dangerous and possibly deadly chemical weapons and they could be headed to the center of the uprising senior defense sources are saying. the penn state campus is reeling from the devastating report documenting how officials covered up the sandusky sex abuse accusation. the latest word from penn state's president is ahead. >> plus, a woman in georgia says a county worker walked into her home without permission and
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entered her bedroom while she was sleeping. but the man says the home was such a mess he thought somebody may have died inside. that's all ahead unless breaking news changes everything. this is "studio b." all first from fox at 3:00 a major rally on wall street. good news for your 401(k) after big banks reported strong earnings. j.p. morgan chase leading the way even after it revealed the disastrous credit trade cost $5.8 billion, triple the original estimate. the company reports some traders may have tried to hide the massive loss. sources say the criminal investigation is focusing on several people from the london office. but the banking giant reported a stronger-than-expected net income of $5 billion in the most recent quarter. here is a live look, now, at dow, right there, it is up 174 points, not bad.
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j.p. morgan chase up more than 5 percent. at last check. and now to gerri willis anchoring the willis report on the fox business network. a costly mistake for j.p. morgan chase but, wow, the stock is soaring with the rest of the market. >>gerri: costly mistake and huge embarrassment. the market has decided that j.p. morgan chase put this behind them and they have really good information in that earnings report. first of all, loan demand is higher. also, profits from retail. up. doing better. the fundamentals of the business are looking better and which problem with the london office is going away, and what is more they fired almost everyone in that london office, too. so those folks are not around. >>trace: it does not appear j.p. morgan chase is going easy on the employees involved in this $5.5 billion trading situation. >>gerri: they are doing "claw backs," taking back pay from the people and it could be millions. it will not be like the billions they lost in the trades but what they are hoping to do is send a
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signal that you cannot get away with this. it will be interesting to see how much they take it, it could be two years' of pay for some of the people. >>trace: thank you, gerri willis, from the fox business network. >> officials are investigating claims that a california city was tricked into going broke and the sheriff confirms it opened a criminal investigation. the back story here is that san bernardino voted to file for bankruptcy this week. the city attorney blamed "fake budgets," for making city officials think they had more money than they did and claims past administrations cooked the books in 13 of the past 16 years. so, the sheriff there now says that he is working with the district attorney to investigate the claims and find out whether anyone broke the law. san bernardino is the third city in california to file for bankruptcy in just the past two weeks. >> syria's spoke piles of
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chemical weapons are moving and the pentagon does not know where they are going according to a senior defense source. syria has been pulling chemical agents out of storage, possibly including the deadly nerve agent saran and they have must tar gas which is a frightening development in a country that has slaughtered more than 17,000 of their own citizens. and the u.s. military source says the pentagon is concerned the chaos of the fighting, the mass destruction, the mass destruction agent could end up in the hand of terrorists after the slaughter of 200 people, mostly civilians. remember, we cannot independently confirm that but if true, it proves it would reportedly be the bloodiest massacre since the uprising again the government there began. jennifer griffin with the news live for us at the pentagon, and, what can you tell us
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exactly about the movement of the chemical agents. >>reporter: according to a senior u.s. defense source u.s. intelligence monitors intercepted several streams of signals intelligence about a week ago suggesting elements in the syrian regime have transferred some of the stockpile of chemical agents. possibly saran news gas to the homs region. there was movement of the chemical agents but there is no sign they have been used. violence at home has been on the rise. according to this military source it is not clear whether the movement of the stockpile was authorizeed by president bashar al-assad or carried out biological commanders in the syrian military frustrated they cannot suppress the rebellion in homs. >>trace: is the pentagon planning to get involved to secure the missing chemical stockpiles? >>reporter: there have been top-level meetings at the pentagon and elsewhere on the
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intelligence. but according to my source, in light of the new massacre where 227 people appear to have been killed by helicopter gunships there is no plan to get involved militarily because the general intelligence assessment is that most portions of the opposition are not aligned with u.s. or western interests. there is some talk of sharing the hatest intelligence with another country even possibly the russians so they could secure the chemical stockpiles moved to homs but the only problem according to the defense source they do not know where the chemical agents are right now and the intelligence intercepts are a week old. trace? >>trace: happening you, from the pentagon. officials fear the chemical weapons could wind up in the wrong hands. that is truly a nightmare scenario dealing with deadly nerve agents. and now former intelligence officer mike barrett for his take on the situation. mike, you look at this and it is they will take stuff away to use
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it, take it away to protect it, but either way something is up in syria. >>guest: that is right. of course, the other option is they are signaling to the west if you do intervene we are going to use this stuff and you will be caught in the crossfire. there is no way this turns out to be a good piece of news. >>trace: so, if, in fact, that is the case, what does the united states do? there are clearly reper cautions going in with military force in syria but what does the united states do in continue to watch? >>guest: this is a civil war, with the sunnies and shias and a state falling apart. people are killing each other. trying to separate them is not a good idea. trying to pick sides is not a good idea. we did not know if there are terrorist elements on the sunni side or the nature of the assad regime if they continue in power, a thing where no one wants to hear it and we hate for
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hear the news reports but we do not want to make the situation worse or, worse, yet, make the united states more of a target there is plenty of hatred not united states and the last thing we want is chemical weapons pointed at us. >>trace: you say nothing is a good idea but you have a government that is killing its own people. so, what is a good idea? >>guest: well, you do try the diplomacy and get the local, the neighbors, so you try to get turkey and other countries there, they more engamed in the area, they have the cultural ties. it is note seen as -- not seen as the west trying to impose itself. we need a regional solution, not u.s. led solution. hopefully, whether it is through the assad regime becoming more stable we want to avoid a station where they kill tens of thousands. remember, they have, you know, chemical weapons. we talking about the regime that could kill thousands and
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thousands and thousands of people in a single act. >>trace: like saddam against the curds and is it possible bashar al-assad is moving these to kill the rebels? >>guest: it is possible. they have shown willingness to kill. so the rebels have that message loud and clear. it is a power play. probably saying to iran and russia, remember, you do not want to help the west go ahead and engage. the real target is probably more the international community, a warning sign, "don't tread on us." we should take heed of that because what happens in syria is not the most pressing thing that america needs to be worried about right now. >>trace: mike barrett, thank you very much. >> the obama and romney campaigns have the same message for each other: you are lying. regarding the bane controversy that will not go away.
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and why it matters. plus, saudi arabia's olympic team will have something it has never had before: women. [ mrs. hutchison ] fday night has always been all fun and games
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>>trace: in politics, president reagan campaigning today in the battleground states of virginia. after bitter exchanges with the romney campaign, each side accusing the other side of lying about the governor's tenure at the private equity firm "bain," cap dallas. and carl cameron is like in washington, dc. obama campaign hammers governor romney on the business record. what is the issue? >>carl: well, lying is what the obama campaign would like you to believe. this is where the president is trying to distract a viable
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challenger and damage his reputation or her reputation with the issues that are supposed to be their strength so issues never really get discussed. the obama campaign release two more ads attacking romney as an outsourcer for days at bain question and questioning whether he has been honest about giving up control of bain to run the olympics. bain officials who include major obama donors and olympic officials all back up romney's account, but, today, the romney campaign fired back using the president's own words against him. >> as president, my job is to think about the workers, my job is to think about communities where jobs have been outsourced. and it is not that he is disqualified because of what he has done. i want us to make sure that we know what your theory is on growing the economy. that is a question most americans want to know.
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>>carl: they have president obama talking on cbs this morning and the romney campaign pulled out a quote from the president where he has accused other legislations in the past of going for rank attack because they do not have opportunity to talk of issues of their own and the obama campaign is outspending romney on tv by 3-1 and most ads are negative. the romney campaign says it will take a few more weeks but they hope to even it up in the next few weeks by escalating it. >>trace: so there are now reports about a possible v.p. pick. what do we know? >>guest: condoleeza rice's name shot to the to which all kinds lists yesterday although, perhaps, not romney's. rush limbaugh mentioned her, and the drudge suggests she a short list frontrunner and she got sanding ovation at the fundraiser gala in park city and ann romney is interested in the idea of a woman running mate,
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but rice says she does not want the job, she not interested in elective politics and called herself in 2006 mildly pro choice and romney himself in february on the trail said he would not pick a pro choice running mate. so it is hd to get past that pledge and increasingly less likely condoleeza rice is on the short list or the top of it. trace? >>trace: fascinating, however. now the investigation over the recent national security leaks. a day after a g.o.p. congressman asked to interview top officials with the obama administration, we are now hearing from the white house. lawmakers say they want to know how sensitive national security information made its way to the "new york times" reports about cyber attacks on iran. and the president's so-called "kill" lit of terror suspects. republicans have threatened to subpoena the white house officials as part of the investigation. and now catherine is live in washington, dc.
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catherine, republicans are talking about the president's inner circle, right? >>reporter: they are. congressman smith is focused on the white house situation room occurring seven current and former administration officials including national security advisor and his deputy. director of national intelligence, white house counterterrorism advisor, and former white house chief of staff, and others, in a letter to the president, smith writes "these individuals should be prepared to discuss to the full extent of their knowledge how, why, and by whom each of the following classified matters was leaked or otherwise became public information," and dead two officials telling fox the white house will respond to congressman's smith letter by council, not the media. >>trace: what do we hear from democrats? >>reporter: in this letter obtained by fox news, democratic congressman john conyers walks back the challenge to republicans on the house
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judiciary committee to mostafa ahmadi roshans. that is how it got started saying if you believe the white house was the source, tell us who it was, and a short time ago the white house minority leader saying the justice department can handle the leak investigation. >> leaks are not good for ourtys sink ships. but, i think, it is equally dangerous to try to politicize the intelligence issue and i think that the approach of the administration is appropriate. >>reporter: many republicans in the house of representatives and the senate argue that the two united states attorneys can not be independent, and the two u.s. attorneys leading the leak investigations because they are "too close to the attorney general," who is their boss. >>trace: thank you, catherine. federal judges now are considering a case that could potentially affect millions of voters this year. the question: should you have to show a government-issued i.d. at your polling station?
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one side says it is about voter fraud and the other says it is about trying to keep people away from the polls. [ male announcer ] this is anna, her long day teaching the perfect swing begins with back pain and a choice. take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills. good eye.
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>>trace: lawyers representing texas have another shot to convince a court that voters should have to show a photo i.d. with closing arguments in the texas voter i.d. law. the justice department blocked the i.d. requirement arguing that it unfailurely discriminates against minorities. people said to be less likely to have identification. opponents say the law unfairly hurts the poor and the elderly but republican supporters of the requirement say it is needed to fight voter fraud. and now to our legal panel,
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arthur aidala, and defense attorney, arty, i look at the arguments and what texas is saying, or what the justice department is saying this disenfranchises 1.4 million elderly, minority, and student voters but not really a lot of compelling evidence laid out in court. >>arthur: to cross the street now you need a picture i.d. i don't think it is so cumbersome to have to ask someone to present a valid identification document with a photograph on it so that you know who the person is. the perfect example is my grandfather's name was arthur aidala and he has been deceased for 12 years but for various family reasons we still get mail under his name and the estate of. and he lived in the bronx and i live in brooklyn and i could vote in brooklyn and in the
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bronx on same day and vote for grandpa. so having a picture i.d. i don't think it such a bad idea. >>trace: the great boxing judge, arthur aidala. he makes a good point because, face it, anna, you cannot even use a credit card, go anywhere without showing i.d. >>guest: i agree but the fact that it is 2012 and we are sitting here debating whether or not people should have a photo i.d. to vote is preposterous, i need one to use my credit card to go shopping or to get a beer. the states have a fundamental interest in preserving the integrity of their voter laws. i don't see what the problem here is. >>arthur: trace, there could be some aspect this where they should consider whether you should grandfather it in because going back do that, maybe my 80-year-old grandfather would not have a picture i.d. anymore
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he would have surrendered his driver's license because he did not drive anymore and he does not need it to buy a year so common sense needs to dictate. all everybody wants on both sides of this argument is to have petroleum who should vote, to vote, and to vote once. not vote often. >>trace: but it is a fact those that do not have the i.d. are the ones, the elderly and the minority, the people who the study show do not have the i.d. they are looking for. >>guest: there is no direct evidence here this is going to affect minorities. in fact, texas has made this very clear in their law. they are going to provide the i.d.'s free of charge. this is not akin to a full tax. and these people are driving to go vote. they are driving to the polling stations with not drive to get the photo i.d. card? >>trace: got to go, thank you
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very much, both of you. >> a banking scandal in britain affecting what we pay for loans in the country and a new memo is suggesting that officials may have known something was wrong long before it all went public and the place coach joe paterno's family reacting to the devastating report on the penn state child sex abuse scandal. what the paterno family says they wish joe pa had done differently. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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>>trace: this is "studio b." new fall out from the child sex abuse scandal at penn state. this afternoon the chairwoman of the university's board of trustees said yesterday's independent report left a major impact. >> the board takes the recommendations seriously. i want you to know they will result in changes going here and going today. today we will consider a number of immediate next steps with the objective of ensuring that a collapse in leadership of this magnitude never happens again. >>trace: the chairwoman speaking at a regularly scheduled meeting of the board of trustees concluding that members of the top brass including joe paterno deliberately covered up accusations that the former penn state assistant football coach
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molested young boys, to avoid bad publicity and paterno's son said he wish his father was more aggressive in following up on the accusations but he added "i know my father did not know he was a file and did not suspect he was a pedophile." the coach paterno died this year and this new report also blamed the trustee board for what they called "a lack of accountability." and now, like from the new york studio. what are we hearing from the board meeting? >>gregg: at the meeting, person state's new president was her filed at the abuse detailed in the report and promised to help the victims. all this provides chair difficult for our community. it does not undo the pain that the victims of sandusky have experienced and continue to experience. >> penn state has partnered with
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counselors to those who suffered abuse. >>gregg: and an attorney for one victim said any compensation should include punitive damages to punish penn state for their accomplicist in allowing the abuse to continue. >>we need to digest the freeh report and make a determination if we need additional information and have a full and complete assessment of penn state's misconduct and the value this should be placed on that. >>gregg: the seven month long investigation has been turned over to the state attorneys general office. >>trace: thank you. could more criminal charges be filed? if so, whom would they be filed? >>gregg: gary shultz who oversaw the campus police and the athletic director, are already charged with failing to report one incident. well, the charges could now multiply. they could potentially include
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the former president of penn state, although he insists he never actively sought to conceal anything. and joe paterno, he did, evidence gathered in the investigation indicates he lied to the grand jury several months before he died. trace? >>trace: greg, thank you from new york. at the board heating penn state's president was horrified that the abuse detailed in the report and promised to help the many victims of sandusky. listen. well, we will bring if the legal panel now, former prosecutor and fox news legal analyst, arthur aidala and defense attorney, as well. you look what gregg jarrett was saying and the three surviving members could face charges. it is amazing they knew they were covering this up, and they did it, anyway, we are talking about young boys being raped. >>arthur: if you read the freeh report, the janitor saw
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sandusky holding a little boy both of his arms pinned to the wall in the shower and sandusky is on his knees performing or am -- oral on this kid who now is ruined for life. and there is evidence -- that was the second episode. they had already known one before that. there were nine after this, and, the athletic department people knew and the academic people knew, the administration knew, and although by the letter of the law the ncaa would be stretching their boundary as little bit to jump into the middle of this, they have to to set an example to even else that this will not be tolerated. period. >>trace: but you look at this and they get involved and we are talking not just these three but penalizing the entire university and you have kids that are
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committed to penn state to play football and basketball and baseball, and it is unfair to penalize more students because of what a coach might have done in years' past. >>guest: absolutely, trace. criminal liability? yes. civil liability to heck, yes. in fact, people state should get out the checkbook and start writing out checks to the victims. but the ncaa being involved there is no resident for this. this is, this has nothing though do with the academic integrity of school. it was horrific thing, disgusting, awful, but there is no jurisdiction. this is not --. >>arthur: thank god there is no precedent. you are right there is no precedent, thank god there has never been a scandal of this nature. trace, i agree, the current student body should not be penalized so they should start, and i am not talking the death penalty they should start a suspension four years from now, so the kids who started now, they have the opportunity to play or transfer out or
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whatever, but, four years from new, somebody needs to send a loud and clear message to the entire united states of america, college athletic program, if god forbid, anyone else is ever accused or suspected of being a pedophile and abusing young children in the locker rooms where the football players play, they are done. >>trace: we are talking about $72 million a year from the football program alone goes to penn state there has to be some kind of monetary policy. i give you the last word. >>guest: i agree there should be penalty but leave it to the criminal court system. leave it in the purview of the civil courts but not the ncaa we do not want them rooming around the halls of campuses looking for infractions it had nothing to do with the football team. >>trace: thank you both. new questions in an international banking scandal of exactly who my what, and when.
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and new, today, we are seeing a memo the treasury secretary geithner said years ago, back when he was head of the new york fed, fox business network got a copy of it, and it suggests that officials knew there was something trning going on in the interest rate market at that time. this all goes back back to barclays in britain, after they admitted they lied of the interest rates they pay to borrow money from other banks. that affected what all of us paid on our loans, credit cards, mortgages, car payments, you name it and the newly obtained documents could shed light on what happened. james rosen with the news like for us in washington, dc. james? >> the newly released documents from the new york fed suggest that america's central bankers had early idea of the lending scandal surrounding the libor rate, the average, rate banks
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charge each other. barclay's has had a settlement and top officers have resigned over misappropriate behavior over the rates. and other banks are under investigation, and back in april of 2008, when geithner, our treasury secretary, was the new york fed president, investigators there interviewed critical witnesses "the barclay's employees explained that they were underreporting the rate to avoid the stigma associated with being an outliar with respect to the libor submission relative to other banks," and the employee stated that "in his opinion other participating banks were also underreporting their libor submission." and then in 15 weeks geithner we e-mailed the bba "work with the bank to establish and publish best practices for calculating and reporting rates and, also, that bba require a reporting
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bank' internal and external auditors confirm adherence to the best practices and attest to the accuracy of bank's libor rates. >> bank stocks, prophets, could take another big hit if there are huge penalties but the macro impact are not going to be that big. there is an irony, and that is, in fact, to the extent that the rate fixing kept interest rates low, say, in 2008 and 2009 that could have helped the economy. >> bank of england, which geithner contacted back in 2008, said today that concerns of difficulties were widely expressed i but added "no evidence of deliberate wrong doing has been cited." that would appear to be contradicted by the new york fed documents we got today. >>trace: a police officer burned so badly on the job his own family did not expect him to five.
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but not only did he pull through a decade later, on a mission to him others. and his story is next. >> a county worker walked into a woman's home without permission. lied about it and got fired and now high wants his job back. what are the chances? the legal panel is back with that.
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>>trace: a county georgia is fighting a firing after a camera caught him entering her home. he was investigating about noise and overgrown lawn, and he noticed a bad stench in the house, and liter across the floor. listen. >> if my opinion, something was awry, a gut feeling that something was not right in the interior of this residence.
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>>trace: he said he was worried there might be a corpse need so he walked around, in the hall and into her bedroom. all there was a man in my doorway and he is yelling at me that i immediate to get up and i need to come outside and find the violation notice. >> he signed the violation but she filed a complaint against the worker, the county fired him for violating procedure and for lying to his bosses because he initially denied walking into her house. and now he says he did the right thing and he would like his job back. the sheriff reported that it would not file criminal charges and now back to our legal panel, former prosecutor and fox news legal analyst, and against attorney. look, if they are not filing criminal charges, pretty clear he was trying to do the right thing because he thought it was a bad smell and someone was in trouble inside. >>guest: absolutely. this is actually comical to me.
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they fired this guy when they should have been awarding this guy. he was just doing his job. and in my opinion, he went above and beyond the call of duty. he had every reason to believe that there was something wrong. the police have already said there was in control conduct, no criminal intent. what if he found someone hut or injured or deceased we would applaud the guy and calling him a hero. but they fire him in >>trace: on the on the other hand, arty. he is lucky she didn't have a gun because she could have shot him. >>arthur: think of it, trace, there is a national tragedy and they deploy you, trace, you have to go wherever you have to go. say, the middle east. and your wife is busy with the kids and does not mow the front lawn and leaves the front door open and the guy was supposed to give her a hard time about not mowing the lawn and he walked
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into your wife's bedroom if how do you feel about that? and, also, trace, if your bosses called you to the table about a violation of something you did, and you looked he in the eye and you lied, you lied, and it is proven on video, what would happen? would you be awarded or get in big, big trouble? >>guest: we do not know that he lied. >>trace: he lied. they caught him on tape and he said he did not go on house, and he said, well, yes that is me but i didn't think i was trying to burglarize the place so i went in and if you lie about it you use -- lose your job. >>guest: that is pretext. he believes when they asked him that they asked whether he was going in there to commit a crime or commit a burglary. that wasn't what he was doing d i was home alone and someone was intelligence there was something going wrong, i would be
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thankful. >>arthur: you are home alone and you want a burly bald dude coming into your bedroom? is that what you are looking for? >>guest: he was a law enforcement officer, and, certainly, not only should he appeal the employment, but he should sue. >>arthur: he is a law enforcement officer to write a ticket because your lawn is overgrown if he had suspicion which i am sure he did, he has a radio and he could have died 9-1-1 because people know what they are doing and are trained to do that and they assess the situation and deal with it. he is not supposed to be walking into people's bedrooms. i am sorry he was fired and if he was a good employee with a good record maybe that is over-the-top but when you lie to your boss, if my secretary looks in my eyes and lies blatantly i have lost all trust and there will be serious ramifications. >>trace: you guys were great,
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good debate. have a great weekend. >> saudi arabia and other middle eastern countries living in the stone age if women's rights. now any are taking one small step toward equality in the 2012 olympics. we will tell what you is happening for the first time not history of the game.
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>>trace: and olympic milestone the middle eastern nations of saudi arabia and bruney and qatar will send women athletes to compete something they have never done before so for the first time in olympic history all countries competing will have female representatives. the head of the olympic committee calls it "have positive news," but it is only a
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small step toward gender equality in those countries and may not result in any major changes for women at all there. and now to journalism and filmmaker robert young pelton who traveled in the middle east and hung out with the taliban in afghanistan, and used to be a neighbor of osama bin laden. he also is the author of "the world's most dangerous places," and the new graphic novel "blackwater chronicles," great to see you. the idea is if you send a few women to the olympics, suddenly you are telling the world you treat women equally, right? >>guest: well, trace, it is better than not sending women but if you go inside countries like saudi arabia or pakistan or afghanistan or other places you will find that the culture has not changed that much. women still are not equal to men in legal terms so unless legal things change where women can drive cars in saudi arabia or have equal rights nothing will
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change. >>trace: and athletic, i understand a lot of the country the girls are not allowed to play so they will represent their country but at home you can not have girls playing soccer. >>guest: correct. a lot of the countries have what girls before pew betterty can walk around but after that they have to cover themselves and be in the home so it is difficult to engage in active sports when you are covered head to to in 120-degree heat. this brings more attention to what should be done to bring equality to women inside the regions. >>trace: what do you make of the fact the women show up and when they do show up you will have the profiles and they start digging deemer into the cultures, is this something that these countries want, saudi arabia, and qatar, do they want, do they want the outside world digging into how they treat their woman? >>guest: no. you have to remember that saudi
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arabia is a dictatorship, essentially, that goes back to 16th century concepts, obviously many modern things going on and a lot of bright modern people there, but the bake structure of the country goes back to the 16th century and i encourage anyone to research the plight of women and minorities in any of the countries and you will be quite shocked. >>trace: i was interested you call this a clumsy p.r. move, what did you mean by that? >>guest: well, we as a nation encourage equal rights for women and minorities and we lean on the countries that we do a lot of business with to show some kind of progress. and these are usually token things. we were obsessed with educating women in afghanistan and we were not that worried about educating boys. we would not give foreign aid projects unless they had two women from a city. so, these are just our pressure points to get them to acknowledge they have to move in that direction. but the reality of a woman moving from america to saudi
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arabia here life would be dramatically different. >>trace: fascinating take, robert young pelton, good to see you, sir. >>guest: always a pleasure. >>trace: newly minted cash did not go through all the proper tests because folks say it is melting. right if their own wallet. we will tell you where, exactly, that is happening. next. coustic guitar: slow ] [ barks ] ♪ [ upbeat ] [ barks ] beneful playful life is made with energy-packed wholesome grains... and real beef and egg. to help you put more play in your day. my brother doesn't look like heart attack patient. i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i'm a fighter and now i don't have that fear. ...more talk on social security... ...but washington isn't talking to the american people. [ female announcer ] when it comes to the future of medicare and social security,
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you've earned the right to know. ♪ what does it mean for you and your family? [ female announcer ] you've earned the facts. ♪ washington may not like straight talk, but i do. [ female announcer ] and you've earned a say. get the facts and make your voice heard on medicare and social security at on medicare and social security male spirit present.trong it's the priceline negotiator. >>what? >>sorry. he wants you to know about priceline's new express deals. it's a faster way to get a great hotel deal without bidding. pick one with a pool, a gym, a great guest rating. >>and save big. >>thanks negotiator. wherever you are. ya, no. he's over here. >>in the refrigerator?
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>>trace: and take a look at your 401(k) 401(k) up about $1.95, great news on the momentum from j.p. morgan chase where they said they made $5 billion despite they lost that $5.8 billion, but the dow is up. good news for all of us on friday. if you are not careful, you could see your own cash actually melt away. at least if you live in canada. that country has recently begun printing $50 and $100 on a new
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material designed to be extra durable but the toronto star newspaper reports that folks have noticed the bills warp when hot. and we are told a few people complained they last their wallets in their car and all the bills had fused together. a spokesman for the bank of canada said and i quote, "the bill is not indestructible." and before we wrap it up, a tough job market and people will do anything to get the attention of a potential employer, a man in nebraska walked into a restaurant last week, asked for a job application, and filled it out. on the back of application police say the guy added a little something extra. a bomb threat. sat down at bar and waited. police showed up later and arrested the guy and he did not really have a bomb. it is not clear if he will get the


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